Terms of Use – Disclaimer
St Joseph’s Food Bank (St Joseph’s) provides this website subject to the following terms and conditions, which may be updated by St Joseph’s from time-to-time without notice. Your use of this website constitutes acceptance of the following terms and conditions.
This website, its organization and design, and all information, images, artwork, text, video, audio, pictures and other materials on this website (together, “Content”) are provided “as is”. The Content is believed to be accurate when it was posted on this site. However, the Content may not be accurate, complete or current. St Joseph’s makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the Content or the operation of this website.
The Content of the web site is not legal advice. Do not use or otherwise rely upon any of the Content without first seeking legal advice.
E-mail communications between you and St Joseph’s may not be secure. We suggest that you encrypt all e-mail to increase the security of your communications with us.
St Joseph’s and its partners, employees and representatives will not be liable to you or any other party for any damages of any kind including, without limitation, indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages, lost profits, business interruption or other damages arising directly or indirectly from your use of this website or the Content.
The Content and the copyright in the Content is owned by St Joseph’s. You may download information from the website for your personal, non-commercial viewing, but you may not otherwise copy, reproduce, republish, post, transmit, display, frame in another web page, perform, distribute, modify or create derivative works from the Content without our prior written approval.
St Joseph’s Food Bank, the St Joseph’s logo, and all other St Joseph’s trade-marks and trade names appearing on this website are owned by St Joseph’s. Unless otherwise indicated, all other trade-marks appearing on this website are owned by third parties and are used by St Joseph’s under license.
St Joseph’s respects your personal privacy. You may use this website without providing any personal information about yourself to us. If we ask you to provide us with any personal information, we will tell you the purposes for which we intend to use that information. We will not collect, use, or disclose that information without your consent, and we will not use or disclose that information for any other purposes without your consent. Here you will find our Privacy Statement .
The sites that are linked from this website are not under our control. St Joseph’s does not assume any responsibility or liability for any communications or materials available at those linked sites. All links are provided for your convenience only; they are not an endorsement or referral by St Joseph’s. If you wish to provide a link to our website from your website, you may only link to our home page at https://missionfoodbank.com/. You may not use any St Joseph’s icons or logos on your website, without our express written consent, and you may not use the link to suggest that St Joseph’s sponsors, endorses, approves of, or is affiliated with you or your website.
These terms and conditions, your access to and use of this website, and any claims made at law or in equity against St Joseph’s, its partners, employees, consultants and representatives, arising out of such access or use or otherwise, will be governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the applicable Canadian laws.
If there is any conflict between this agreement and any other agreement between you or your business and St Joseph’s, the latter agreements will prevail.
St Joseph’s may amend these terms and conditions at any time without notice. Accordingly, you should periodically re-visit these terms and conditions to review the then current terms and conditions governing your use of this website. If any part of these terms and conditions is unlawful, void or unenforceable, then that part is severable and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining terms and conditions.
Latest News & Events
Heartfelt thank you to the Sidhu Family
A heartfelt thank you to the Sidhu family for their incredibly kind donation of non perishables to the St Josephs Food…
Imagination Station raised donations over the holidays
A big thank you to the Imagination Station Child Care for donating funds and food to the families of Mission.…
Donations from Excel Martial Arts
Excel Martial Arts Mission really kicked it up a notch with their donations! We appreciate the food donation to St…
Feed More Families Store Spotlight Award
Our Canadian Superstore has been officially selected for the quarterly “Feed More Families Store Spotlight Award”!St Josephs Food Bank was chosen…
Mission City Councillors @ St Joseph’s Food Bank
Our Mission city councillors put in a long and hard day of work volunteering to distribute food @St Josephs Food…
BC Eggs supports St. Joseph’s Food Bank
Thank you BC Egg! St Josephs Food Bank finds you to be an eggcellent partner in bringing delicious food to…
After the Bell program with Food Banks Canada
1/3 food bank visits are made on behalf of children. That is why St Josephs Food Bank was so proud…
Mission Bollywood Boom raised $26,000
We were so excited to receive this cheque at St. Joseph’s Food Bank because we know how much good it…
Mission Punj-Aab Culture Club hosting Vaisakhi event raised $11,000
On behalf of all the volunteers, staff, and board of directors, we would like to thank the Mission Punj-Aab Culture…
Together, We’ll be there for kids across Canada
Kids and their families are already facing food insecurity at the highest levels we’ve seen in our recent history. And…
Help Fill the Gap
The need has never been greater. In 2020 we distributed food to 968 registered individuals, who each received monthly food support. Today, we are distributing food to over 1400 registered individuals. The pandemic and economic environment have had a dramatic impact on our community and the reality is that we are in tough times.
There are several ways to help your community such as volunteering, donating food and-or funds. Every bit helps to maintain the living standards of our community as a whole. Now is the time for companies and individuals to increase efforts to help less fortunate neighbors and improve the quality of life for us all.
St. Joseph's Food Bank strives to provide healthy nutritious food to our community and surrounding area by creating more equitable access to food services through collaboration and community partnerships. We serve all clients with respect, honesty and integrity.
St. Joseph's Food Bank
St. Joseph’s Food Bank is supported by community members, business and service organizations as well as the Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver and the District of Mission.
Donations can be dropped off 9am – 12pm 7 days a week.
Food Bank Hours
St. Joseph’s Food Bank distributes food every 2nd Wednesday & Thursday from 9:00am – noon
32600 7th Avenue
Mission, BC V2V 2B9